Tuesday, March 31, 2015

9 Lives, Cats and People

Hello everyone,  This is going to be a very unusual blog.  And, one I wish was totally unnecessary.  But, I've been thinking about it for several days and, pretty much, wondering about life.  A few evenings ago, I was outside with the cats.  The cold weather had broken, so we were enjoying the end of a really beautiful day.  Little Max was climbing a tree.  Old Boy Kitty was rolling in the grass, and our one eyed feral cat, Gray, was sitting under the corner bush looking for a way to get past us to the dry food bowl on the front deck.  Suddenly, I started having some feelings I didn't like one bit.  Like a heaviness or warning sensation that something, somewhere was very wrong.  It got so strong, I looked up at the sky and said aloud, "Okay, God. What's going on?  Whatever it is, help me out here. Send your angels to keep us safe."  Us...meaning my family....where ever they all were.  Then, the cats all scattered, because our other feral cat, Zeus, who isn't neutered, came loping across the yard.  You know how that goes.  So, I went inside, got his supper, and the feeling dissipated in the momentary distraction.

The next morning, I was making breakfast, when the phone rang.  It was my daughter-in-law, Pam. What she said was like a script from a TV show.  "I only have a few minutes to tell you what happened.  Last night, Rob was dead-heading home from Indiana on the interstate, and the cops were chasing some guy in a car going the other way. The guy's family had turned him in to the cops, because he was acting weird and threatening to commit suicide.  The guy crossed the median and smashed right into Rob.  The cops got it all on video and told Rob there was nothing he could do. I drove out there to get him.  He's in bed now, all black and blue, one broken rib, really sore, and he's calling me.  So, I have to hang up and see what he wants."  I asked Pam to keep me posted and said, "Let me know if you need anything,"  Then I just sat there, stunned, remembering my 'bad' feeling.

Today, I found out the guy who wanted to commit suicide succeeded.  He only lived for 7 hours after he was taken to the hospital.  Rob's faithful, beautiful old 1984 Kenworth is completely totaled, but the guy didn't take my son with him. Was that bad feeling I had a warning from God?  Did my prayer protect and save my son, when I didn't even know he needed it?  To be honest, at first, I was really angry that God let these things happen.  But, then, I realized how stupid that was.  Watching the paramedics cut that guy out of the wreckage has really had an effect on Rob.  Right now, he says it's time to quit trucking.  He may change his mind. Either way, he's alive to do whatever he finally decides.  In closing, I want to give a heartfelt thanks to my daughter-in-law, Pam.  She's the best. Time to schedule an a.m. post, check on the kitties, read a little while in bed...and say my prayers. I will be paying more attention to everyday prayer again....without being prompted by 'bad' feelings.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Raindrops Falling On My Head

Good Monday morning!  The snow is almost gone. Now the rain is here...and the utility room roof has sprung several leaks.  Guess who gets the job of fixing them?  Not the cats.  They're too smart.  So that leaves Moi, who knows squat about metal roofs, to do the repairs. Wish I could work and record a video at the same time.  No doubt, it would be 'comedy central.'   But, no way, do I want to go through another night of watching the rain pouring through the cracks in the roof and destroying everything stored underneath them in cardboard boxes.  Not to mention, having a repeat of my daughter, Donna, and I running around like idiots in our p.j.s  in the middle of the night looking for buckets and plastic tubs.  The cats had a fun time watching. You know how cats love getting wet!

So, this morning, while the temps head for 60 degrees, I donned my old jeans, sweatshirt and got online to find out what to do. Lordy, so much technical info to sort through on You Tube and so little the brain could decipher.  Plus little Max jumping up on the desk and sitting in front of the monitor didn't help.  So, off to the local Home Depot I went, to talked to the expert salesmen in their roofing department.  Humm.  More helpful opinions. What repair materials to purchase?  Of course, take the advice of the salesman who had three cats!  He even had their photos in his wallet. 

I'm home again now.  It's so nice outside.  I'd just rather go visit my girlfriends and mess around.  They have cats too.  But, I shall force myself to climb the ladder, becoz the weather man is predicting rain tomorrow.  You have no idea what it takes for a single woman to live in the country.  There ought to be a soap opera about it.  Remind me to tell you about the evening, last summer, when a big, fat raccoon got in the front deck cat door, climbed the wall above the living room couch and got its head stuck under the curtain rod.  Truth?  Yes! However, now, I shall sign off and see what I get into today. Wish me luck!   I'm sure you can hardly wait to find out what's happened.  Like the Glass Kat tells me every morning, "Love you. Have a nice day."

Thursday, March 12, 2015

My LIttle Glass Cat

Wow...my very first blog.  So, here's how I found my 'little glass cat.'   Between the two of us, my daughter and I, have 4 indoor cats and two outdoor feral cats that just showed up on their own.  I've always been a dog person, so this is a new and sometimes 'very crazy' experience. It has taken quite a bit of patience to get used to being a 'cat herder.'  Call a dog, and they come running.  Call a cat, and you might as well forget it.  But, I've come to love them just the same.

Anyway, one bitter cold 2014 winter day, my cabin fever was in full swing.  So, I got in the SUV, put it in H4 gear and plowed my way to the Walmart for a few groceries.  Actually, I didn't need the groceries as much as the time OUT!  Gee, there really were other hardy souls AND one insane guy in gym shorts braving the frigid temps.  On the way home, I was mentally tallying up what it cost to feed our crew of furry felines, when I decided to stop in the Goodwill store too.  It's always been interesting to me to see the things from other people's lives on the shelves.  Then, I saw it....the Glass Cat.  It was sitting on a glass kitty mat with one paw on top of a glass ball.  It's ears were at full perk, and it's tail was curled up by its side saying, "Hello. I'm yours. Aren't I pretty?" Suddenly, as I held the little, 99 cent glass statue in my hand, the cat food bill wasn't so important anymore.

I still dream of having a dog again someday.  But, for now, the little glass cat sits on my desk as a reminder of all the headaches, soothing purrs and silly antics of the six unique, furry blessings in our lives right now. Yep, they are high maintenance, and wed hope nobody 'drops off' another one at the bottom of our lane.  But, I wouldn't trade, not one of them, for anything in the world.